The Church Builder’s WELLBEING

The Church Builder’s WELLBEING – The Church Builder’s WELLBEING

Only well-balanced, healthy people can build healthy local churches, particularly when it comes to the leadership team.

This Development Day takes a close look at how imbalance can lead to stress, anxiety and potential burn-out, even when we are doing the Lord’s work. Jesus never intended that to happen, in fact he assured us that his yoke would be easy and his burden light (Matthew 11:28).

We first identify the skills needed to balance our competing responsibilities, so that we enjoy building church with Jesus, live a well-managed life, and never find ourselves ‘running on empty’.

Then we zoom in on three crucial areas of life that will help or hinder our success as local church builders:

  • Our Mind
  • Our Money
  • Our Relationships

Our practical exploration provides practical keys for the successful management of each, equipping the church builder with skill and wisdom for the task and their personal wellbeing.