The Church Builder is YOU

The Church Builder is YOU – Equipping you to be a better church builder

YOU are the focus of this DEVELOPMENT DAY.

It is designed to help you understand yourself better, so you can get to grips with how God has shaped you uniquely to help build His church.

Jesus wants all his followers to be involved in the fulfilling work of building His church, and here’s how you can bring your best to the process.

The day is structured around a number of interactive sessions that will help you explore how God has shaped you as a person. We help you to recognise and identify your natural abilities, spiritual gifts, personal passions and character-shaping experiences that have made you, you.
In addition, delegates will complete a DISC personality profile using the DISC biblical personality system and have it interpreted to help them become more secure in who they are as a person and church builder.
Finally, having understood yourself better, we explore how you can find your best fit in serving your local church.