Building Church TEAM DYNAMICS

Building Church TEAM DYNAMICS – How great teams work in a volunteer environment

This Development Day gets to the heart of what makes any team effective, particularly in the volunteer-based environment of the local church, equipping each team member to successfully play their part.

The day is structured around the following focuses:

First, we explore the importance of trust and how it works in the volunteer-based environment of the local church. It is crucial, in fact trust is our ‘currency’ and without it we cannot build or make progress. Here’s how to cultivate, strengthen and maintain this vital component of our local church culture and teams.
Then we identify the components of every successful team and consider how we can strengthen and maintain them.
Followed by a consideration of team spirit. A happy, effective team always has a great team spirit, but never by accident! We look at how to engender and maintain a positive and empowering team spirit.
Lastly, we look at making good team decisions, ones that everyone buys into and plays their part in outworking. Unless a team can make and implement a strong team decision, it never gets things done properly and hinders the church’s momentum and growth. Here are keys to ensure that never happens on your watch.